Saturday, August 4, 2007

Play That Funky Music !

We had a great evening last night at Lakes Cafe and Pub, and all the inhabitants of AREA 51 made it safely through the evening. For a while yesterday afternoon, I was unsure if we could all get together as we were scattered about the city, but things worked out.

Hector, Lourdes and Cristina, Al and Lydia, Marc, Rosie and Danny, et moi, established a little area at the corner of the bar and the party started. Once again, there were a lot of talented singers last night, including a young lady that really impressed me with her voice. I'm going to speak to my friend, recording artist Carlos Oliva about her, because I think she's got the talent to cut a record.

Speaking of Carlos Oliva, I received an email from him yesterday in response to a video slide show I had sent him. Carlos has a new CD that should be dropping within a month. I've seen some of the songs that he's recording and I'm excited about the new CD. I've included a few pictures of Carlos performing in today's pictures.

The Pictures: My pal, recording artist Carlos Oliva and The Judges Nephews (Los Sobrinos del Juez). You have to take a good look a the picture of the "electric chair". As per my usual, I've included one of Indigo's pictures that I "borrowed" and of course, the "usual suspects".

This Date In History: 1914; Britain enters World War I by declaring war on Germany after Germany refuses to honor the neutrality of Belgium. 1944; In Amsterdam, Nazi officers arrest 15 year old Anne Frank and four other Jews in the annex where they have been hidden four two years. Frank will die in the Belson concentration camp the next year. 1964; Over a month after their disappearance was reported, the bodies of three civil rights workers, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman are unearthed in Philadelphia, Mississippi. 1964; U.S. warships in the Gulf of Tonkin report an attack by North Vietnam.

I just have to show you the picture I found today in my voyage around the Internet. If you ever believed that there is no justice, then take a gander at this picture:


This is a picture of a cotton field at the louisiana State Pennitentary in Angola (even the city's name makes me laugh), Louisiana. It is one of the few places where cotton is still picked by hand, by the convicts. What really strikes me funny is that I'd like to send a copy of this picture to (A) "Podium Al" Sharpton so he can see how some of his followers have progressed and what they do in their spare time. 

Birthdays: Roger Clemens, baseball pitcher (1962), Jeff Gordon, Nascar race car driver (1971).

The Hits Just Keep On Coming:  Ways to tell your all grown up !

Your house plants are alive and you can't smoke any of them. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question. You keep more food than beer in the refrigerator. Six a.m. is when you get up, not when you go to bed. You hear your favorite song in an elevator. You watch the Weather Channel, on purpose. You friends marry and divorce instead of "hook up" and "break up". Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as "dressed up". Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one. A four dollar bottle of wine no longer qualifies as "pretty good shit". You drink at home to save money before going to a bar.

That's it for today, my little muffins. Have a nice weekend and more on Monday.

Stay Tuned !


Anonymous said...

LOL, don't know if you want Al Sharpton noticing your journal! LOL, that was a pretty lucky find. LOL, at the plant comment, and true about the twin bed, lol.

Yes, I also read your previous entry.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, All of the grown up things are me to a tee!  Well only a grown up would be seen in this body, giggle, LOL. ;-)


Anonymous said...

I bet the cotton-pickin' convicts think twice next time....

Glad your 'gang' was able to get together last night!!


Anonymous said...

I wish we could put our criminals to work doing something constructive instead of letting them just sit on their backsides watching television and playing on their playstations.

Anonymous said...

I liked the idea of the chain gangs when they had them. It made sense to get something constructive out of a wasted life. Love the hits for today! You can borrow pictures from me anytime dear heart. Jimmy (Stupid Sheet Guy) is stuck in LOL. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is good to be "old" (er)  That picture wants me to sing a song I learned when I was a little girl in school.  "I'm gonna sit down, turn around, pick a bale of cotton, I'm gonna sit down turn around, pick a bale of hay."   They still have chain gangs in Phoenix.  Sheriff Joe Arpio has them. Beats sitting in a tent in the middle of East Jesus, 115 degrees, singing "Show me the Way to Go Home!"   Anne