I read Daniel Fefoe's 1719 novel, regarded as being the first English Novel, when I was a puppy. I liked it then and I read it again often. I also recommend "Lord Of The Flies", if you never read it (Hey, you could be just like Okrah and have a book club Shut up !). Pardon the rant !
Friday's my pal 'cause it allows me to go to Krystel's, see my friends, solve world problems during happy hour, flirt, sing and perform, dance, close the hood on my hand and then, gossip like hell the next day ! (Surely you rant ! Leave me alone and don't call me Shirley). Sorry about that !
Yeah, I'm going to Krystel's tonight and have some fun with my pals. I'm trying to get my journal entry in early (for me) 'cause I have a lot of things I want to say. The new journal format still has bugs, especially with the pictures. I can load them and see the result in edit form, but I can't return to see them again because my computer and the AOL pictures program are having a hissy fit (Ask your Southern friends for the translation).
The Pictures: I've downloaded some pictures from Dribbleglass.com along with some other pictures I found along the way. The main theme for today is "advertisements". I've got two nice pictures of Native American artwork for Indigo. She's got some great pictures and you can check her out under "Other Journals" on the left side of my journal or just click this link. http://journals.aol.com/rdautumnsage/ravens-lament/ Please check out all the other journals under this site. They're my pals !
A Message And An Idea To AOL Journals And AOL Pictures: Solving the problems with the journal pictures is as easy as pie. Just find out who created the advertisements at the top of every journal. Come hell or highwater, the advertisements never give error messages or fail to appear !
This Date In History: 1804; Napoleon Bonaparte is proclaimed emperor of France by the Senate and the Tribunate. 1860; Abraham Lincoln, a former Illinois Senator, receives the Republican presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago. 1980; Mount Saint Helens volcano in Washington erupts; 57 people die in the largest eruption in U.S. history.
For those of you who are wondering about the esteemed "Cat Ass Trophy", fear not. It simply has not been awarded to any one who has qualified. I know it's been a while, but, oddly enough, very few "Assholes" have surfaced recently. The "Quack Ass" award, for honorable mention does go to Paris Hilton for her pissing and moaning about the slap on the hand she received, which, by the way has been cut in half for "good behavior (What?).
Birthdays: Nicolas II, emperor of Russia (1868), John Paul II, Pope (1920), Dame Margo Fonteyn, ballet dancer (1919), Reggie Jackson, baseball player (1946).
The Hits Just Keep On Coming:
The old man came home from his doctor's appointment and exclaimed to his wife, "The doctor said I'm in great condition and I have the body of a man ten years my junior."
His wife growled, "What about your big, fat ass?" The old man replied, "Dear, your name never came up."
The husband came home from work and upon entering the bedrood, found his wife in a negligee with rope in her hands. He asked, "What's going on?"
His wife replied, "Tie me up and you can do anything you'd like." So, the man tied her up and went fishing !
Why do men have brains larger than dogs? So they don't hump women's legs at parties.
That's it for today my raving beauties. More tomorrow.
Stay Tuned !
Tags: Jimmy's Journal, Entertainment, Krystel's Restaurant and Nightclub, Comedy, JimSulliv3.Possum's Journal, JimmysVideos, PossumsVideos, hamandcheese, JimmysPictures, PossumsPictures, Okrah, ObackToAlabama, blogplugs, OnoYoko, myperfectmartini, what?, yoheardme, yabbadabbadoo !, AOL Pictures, AOL Journals, herehegoesgain, nah, just funnin, Nancy, doyoureadthis?, Howaboutyoujackie, Pam?, Indigo, what? Yabbadabbadoo ! Rhotshoes, Danny,